Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Public Speaking, you can do it!

    Public Speaking, you can do it!

    Public speaking may seem daunting at first, but trust me, everyone has the potential to rock it! It’s all about tapping into your inner confidence and finding strategies that work for you. So take a deep breath and let’s dive into the wonderful world of public speaking. First things first, breathing is key. It’s like…

  • Drinking water and not soda, you can do it!

    Drinking water and not soda, you can do it!

    Hey there, fellow soda enthusiasts! Let’s have a chat about an awesome habit that can make a world of difference in our lives: swapping out that soda for some H2O. Soda is delicious and has its time and place, but when it comes to hydrating our brains for a day of computer work, water takes…

  • Making the most of your time

    Making the most of your time

    Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day to achieve all your goals and aspirations? If so, this blog post is for you. In this post, we delve into the remarkable benefits of waking up earlier and dedicating those precious hours to tasks that facilitate your personal growth. There is a…

  • Embrace Offline Activities for a Happier Mind

    Embrace Offline Activities for a Happier Mind

    When was the last time you took a break from staring at your computer screen and engaged in an activity that didn’t require much brain power? In today’s digital age, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the demands of our jobs and forget to give our minds a much-needed rest. That’s why…

  • Busy Life, Big Dreams: How to Schedule Your Passions Like a Pro

    Busy Life, Big Dreams: How to Schedule Your Passions Like a Pro

    When life gets busy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with a never-ending to-do list. With a little bit of planning and some smart scheduling, you can make sure that your personal projects and priorities don’t get left behind. First things first, take a moment to identify your personal projects and passions. These are the things…

  • You can’t make more time

    You can’t make more time

    Hey there, fellow time enthusiasts! Buckle up and get ready for a mind-blowing revelation that will leave you buzzing with excitement. Guess what? We can’t fabricate more time in a day! And you know what? That’s actually a fantastic thing! Let me explain why. Picture this: you’re juggling a gazillion tasks, dreaming of an extra…

Got any book recommendations?